Forum général.petites-annonces The Document Foundation propose un job

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Comme il y a pas mal de développeurs freelance sur linuxfr, je relaie cette annonce de The Document Foundation :

The Document Foundation (TDF), the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free office suite LibreOffice,
seeks for companies or individuals to

provide consultancy on implementing features in LibreOffice

to start work as soon as possible. TDF is looking for an individual or company to give technical consultancy on the
implementation of one or more of the following:

topic 1: “layer handling issues” (related to: tdf#101218, tdf#67248, tdf#91829, tdf#101242)
topic 2: “file handling issues” (related to: tdf#60909, tdf#96563, tdf#47065, tdf#101302)

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