Je voudrais créer un CD linux bootable personnalisé, et je ne sais pas comment m'y prendre, surtout que je veux tenir compte de l'émulation de disquette de démarrage en plus.
Ma version Redhat est une enterprise 4.
General Options:
--help Display this message
--version Display version information
--verbose Be verbose in output
--noclean Don't remove temporary files on exit. #'
--workdir Specify a working directory which will not
be cleaned.
--debug Display some extra debugging information
while building the CD. (Usefull for bug
reports to the developers.)
Image generation:
--root Root directory of the live filesystem to use
as the for the image of the LiveCD.
(default: /)
--tmp Name of the directory to be used for
temporary file storage.
(default: /tmp)
--img Name of the saved compressed image. When an
image by this name is found, it will not be
re-created or overwritten, rather the
existing image will be re-used, i.e. the
compressed image is not re-built.
--nofile [,][...] Excludes files from the final image. (Also
see the --nodir option for a full
--nodir [,][...] Excludes directories from the final image.
Patterns passed to this option (as with the
--nofile option) should be valid in a grep(1)
search, e.g. --nodir=^/home/jaco,^/root/.mcop
will exclude both the /home/jaco and
/root/.mcop directories from the final
--sort Sort the files on the compressed iso image
according to the mkisofs-style sort specifier
as detailed in file.
--kernel Kernel to use as default for the LiveCD
image. (Output of uname -r)
(default: 2.6.17-rc5.20mdk)
--cow Enable experimental cow filesystem.
Currently this option enables overlay
filesystem support.
Compression options:
--blocksize Compression (if used) blocksize in K
(default: 32)
--looptype <clp|sqfs|iso|ziso> Create a cloop, squashfs or iso (non-
compressed) image or compressed iso image.
(default: sqfs)
Boot options:
--bootopt Specify an additional boot option to pass to
the kernel command-line.
--bootmsg Use 'msg' as the isolinux boot message.
--bootkey <key=msg> Display 'msg' on key 'key' from isolinux.
--bootimg Use 'img' (LSS format) as the isolinux.
background display image.
--mdkboot Use the Mandrake boot image extension to
display the boot message.
--timeout Specify the default ISO Linux prompt timeout
in seconds.
(default: 150)
--noprompt Disable ISO Linux prompt (i.e. prompt 0).
--keyboard Specify a different keyboard layout as
default for the LiveCD.
(default: us)
--resolution Specify the resolution for the framebuffer
output device. (Either resolution or normal)
(default: 800x600)
--splash <silent|verbose|no> Create the LiveCD with bootsplash support if
available on the root filesystem.
(default: silent)
--fstab Override the default options for the fstab on
the LiveCD. Options are one or more of 'auto'
and 'rw', for example '--fstab=rw,auto' will
automatically mount all detected partitions
ISO Image options:
--isoextrafiles Add the files in 'path' to the root of the
LiveCD ISO image.
--application Use the specified iso application ID, as '-A'
option to mkisofs.
--volumeid Use the specified iso volume ID, as a '-V'
option to mkisofs.
--preparer Use the specified preparer ID, as a '-p'
option to mkisofs.
--publisher Use the specified publisher ID, as a '-P'
option to mkisofs.
--md5sum Compute and implant the md5sum to verify media.
--usbhome Use USB memory stick devices as a persistent
home when available/connected on bootup.
je viens d'installer la version redhat entreprise AS , tout c'est bien passé .
au demarrage du grub j'ai les deux lignes suivantes :
SVP je cherche a modifier ce demarrage et avoir une seule ligne par rapport à linux et une autre pour windows
# mklivecd
Posté par Unchabin . Évalué à 3.
/usr/sbin/mklivecd [options] <livecd-image>
General Options:
--help Display this message
--version Display version information
--verbose Be verbose in output
--noclean Don't remove temporary files on exit. #'
--workdir Specify a working directory which will not
be cleaned.
--debug Display some extra debugging information
while building the CD. (Usefull for bug
reports to the developers.)
Image generation:
--root Root directory of the live filesystem to use
as the for the image of the LiveCD.
(default: /)
--tmp Name of the directory to be used for
temporary file storage.
(default: /tmp)
--img Name of the saved compressed image. When an
image by this name is found, it will not be
re-created or overwritten, rather the
existing image will be re-used, i.e. the
compressed image is not re-built.
--nofile [,][...] Excludes files from the final image. (Also
see the --nodir option for a full
--nodir [,][...] Excludes directories from the final image.
Patterns passed to this option (as with the
--nofile option) should be valid in a grep(1)
search, e.g. --nodir=^/home/jaco,^/root/.mcop
will exclude both the /home/jaco and
/root/.mcop directories from the final
--sort Sort the files on the compressed iso image
according to the mkisofs-style sort specifier
as detailed in file.
--kernel Kernel to use as default for the LiveCD
image. (Output of uname -r)
(default: 2.6.17-rc5.20mdk)
--cow Enable experimental cow filesystem.
Currently this option enables overlay
filesystem support.
Compression options:
--blocksize Compression (if used) blocksize in K
(default: 32)
--looptype <clp|sqfs|iso|ziso> Create a cloop, squashfs or iso (non-
compressed) image or compressed iso image.
(default: sqfs)
Boot options:
--bootopt Specify an additional boot option to pass to
the kernel command-line.
--bootmsg Use 'msg' as the isolinux boot message.
--bootkey <key=msg> Display 'msg' on key 'key' from isolinux.
--bootimg Use 'img' (LSS format) as the isolinux.
background display image.
--mdkboot Use the Mandrake boot image extension to
display the boot message.
--timeout Specify the default ISO Linux prompt timeout
in seconds.
(default: 150)
--noprompt Disable ISO Linux prompt (i.e. prompt 0).
--keyboard Specify a different keyboard layout as
default for the LiveCD.
(default: us)
--resolution Specify the resolution for the framebuffer
output device. (Either resolution or normal)
(default: 800x600)
--splash <silent|verbose|no> Create the LiveCD with bootsplash support if
available on the root filesystem.
(default: silent)
--fstab Override the default options for the fstab on
the LiveCD. Options are one or more of 'auto'
and 'rw', for example '--fstab=rw,auto' will
automatically mount all detected partitions
ISO Image options:
--isoextrafiles Add the files in 'path' to the root of the
LiveCD ISO image.
--application Use the specified iso application ID, as '-A'
option to mkisofs.
--volumeid Use the specified iso volume ID, as a '-V'
option to mkisofs.
--preparer Use the specified preparer ID, as a '-p'
option to mkisofs.
--publisher Use the specified publisher ID, as a '-P'
option to mkisofs.
--md5sum Compute and implant the md5sum to verify media.
--usbhome Use USB memory stick devices as a persistent
home when available/connected on bootup.
/usr/sbin/mklivecd --nodir ^/usr/src/RPM,^/root/tmp livecd.iso
/usr/sbin/mklivecd --blocksize 224 --splash=silent livecd.iso
# aide sur le grub de redhat
Posté par youssef . Évalué à 1.
au demarrage du grub j'ai les deux lignes suivantes :
SVP je cherche a modifier ce demarrage et avoir une seule ligne par rapport à linux et une autre pour windows
Merci de votre aide
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