Forum [Bash] Limiter taille substring

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Hello tout le monde.

Dans un exemple type de strings comme suit :

[fuse.ssh] /media/myMountPath 411GB / 921GB (42%)
[glusterfs] /media/superStorage 0.5TB / 1.1TB (50%)
[ext42] /hello/world 25KB / 42KB (57%)

J'essaye, en bash, de limiter la taille des substrings afin de les empêcher de sortir de leur container.
Donc question :
Comment faire pour limiter la taille des sous chaines [formatage] et /point/de/montage sans toucher au reste.

  • # Solution

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    function limitSubStringLenght {
        # $1 => main string
        # $2 => substring pattern (regex)
        # $3 => max lenght
        while IFS= read -r result
        # $result contain substring matched
            # save a copy of the cuted version of the substring
        endCut=$(echo $result | cut -c 1-"$3")
            # cut the substring in the main string
        work=$(echo -n "$work" | sed "s#$result#$endCut#g")
            # we set the substring to match here
        done < <(echo "$1" | grep -Eo "$2")
        echo -n "$work"
            # set the example variable
    diskInfos=$(echo -n '[fuser.sshfs] /media/partition/blablabla 1.2GB / 2.4GB')
            # displaying test example before change it
    echo ' BEFORE => '"$diskInfos"
            # apply change and save it in to $diskInfos
    diskInfos=$(limitSubStringLenght "$diskInfos" '(/[a-Z0-9._]{1,}){1,}/{0,}' 20)
            # displaying results
    echo -n ' AFTER_ => '"$diskInfos"

    Ce qui produit :

    └─ $ ▶ ./test.bash 
     BEFORE => [fuser.sshfs] /media/partition/blablabla 1.2GB / 2.4GB
     AFTER_ => [fuser.sshfs] /media/partition/bla 1.2GB / 2.4GB

    Enjoy 😉

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