J'espère en proposant cette annonce sur linuxfr éveiller l'attention d'éventuels lecteurs compétents sur quelques sujets pointus. Je recopie ici l'essentiel du message :
Subject: Call for contributions to dosdonts document
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 10:26:07 -0700
From: "Shureih, Tariq"
I have received multiple emails regarding additional information to be
included in the "dosdonts" document I posted to the KJP website over a
month ago.
I have been busy with the OpenHPI project however, been trying to keep
the document alive and updated.
The three areas I will be updating soon are based on Rik Van Riel's
email containing many relevant areas to the document.
I am working on text and code for the following "don'ts":
#Drivers which do not work SMP.
#Drivers which add syscalls.
#Drivers which add private ioctls that duplicate existing functionality.
I can use some help (text explaining the DO or DON'T with supplemental
code) with the following:
# Driver code that is 32-bit-specific.
# Driver source code includes x86 assembly without C replacement and/or
protected by ifdef correctly
# Driver does not use portable PCI DMA APIs as documented in
Documentation/DMA-mapping.txt (non-portable code uses
# Driver assumes it can DMA to stack space
# Driver puts large objects on the stack (> 1024 bytes)
If you decide to contribute anything, please send it to me in the form
of a text patch to the TEXT version of the document on the web site.
Thanks in advance.
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# Re: Appel à contribution pour
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# Re: Appel à contribution pour
Posté par Christophe Lucas (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
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