Sortie de la version 12.04.03 du logiciel Apache-OFBiz

Posté par  . Édité par BAud, Pierre Jarillon et Benoît Sibaud. Modéré par Pierre Jarillon. Licence CC By‑SA.
Étiquettes :

La fondation Apache vient de publier la version 12.04.03 du logiciel Apache-OFBiz. Apache-OFBiz est un logiciel de gestion d'entreprise (ERP ou PGI en français) open source sous licence Apache 2.0 disponible sur système Linux, Windows et Mac.


Il s'agit d'une version corrective permettant d'améliorer la stabilité du logiciel.
Elle devient maintenant la dernière version stable officielle et les utilisateurs de la version 12.04.02 sont invités à migrer vers celle-ci.

La liste des bugs corrigés n'est pas disponible sur le site officiel pour le moment.
Toutefois, voici une liste non exhaustive des entrées déjà traitées dans cette version.
Cette liste a été construite à partir des informations de commit entre la version 12.04.02 et la version 12.04.03 :

Bug bloquant :
OFBIZ-5194 - ConcurrentModificationException when cancelling an order

Bugs majeurs :
OFBIZ-4794 - Set different ports for testing in a CI environment e.g. Jenkins
OFBIZ-4802 - Help screens in Manufacturing
OFBIZ-4895 - Materials Required By The Running Task in ProductionRunDeclaration doesn't show product names
OFBIZ-4953 - Order item status change issue.
OFBIZ-5193 - Updating EFT Account address resurrects out-of-date EFT Accounts
OFBIZ-5202 - Upload content at party profile is not working
OFBIZ-5263 - Enhance GeoData.xml with Croatia as a member of the European Union
OFBIZ-5275 - Receive inventory generates an error when product has mandatory lotid
OFBIZ-5286 - Load cart from order loses OrderItemAttributes
OFBIZ-5299 - ProudctionRunServices.xml doesn't set dateTimeManufactured in inventoryItem
OFBIZ-5300 - ProductionRunServices doens't set UoM of goods in inventoryItems
OFBIZ-5323 - Type-ahead for tasks on Edit Routing Task Association on a routing does not work
OFBIZ-5324 - Overview of Bills of Material doesn't paginate
OFBIZ-5335 - Using type=accounting-number in form in facility generates wrong output for inventory overview
OFBIZ-5371 - SimpleMethod parameters doesnt work with prefix
OFBIZ-5379 - Sales/Purchase Quote product id auto complete malfunction
OFBIZ-5397 - Incorrect selected ship destination displayed on purchase order entry form
OFBIZ-5409 - JSON Response does not set http status on error
OFBIZ-5411 - Checking with orderAdjustment.productPromoId rather than adjustment.productPromoId
OFBIZ-5429 - Sequence-bank-size attributes does not work anymore
OFBIZ-5439 - Order Return Process doesn't override the Order Adjustment Amount that is provided from Return Screen GUI
OFBIZ-5453 - Set field in (at least) widget screen does not take into account a locale for (at least) the Float type
OFBIZ-5496 - Schedule Job Manager is creating more then one pending job for future.
OFBIZ-5506 - ProductionRunServices.productionRunTaskReturnMaterial: Unknown parameter found: [productionRunTaskProduce.uomId]
OFBIZ-5510 - EditEmplPositionReportingStructs LookupEmplPosition associated popup and dropdown empty
OFBIZ-5512 - ListReportedToEmplPositionReportingStructs displays no results
OFBIZ-5513 - ListPartySkills displays no results
OFBIZ-5519 - Lookups (layered mode) and dropdown menus overlap
OFBIZ-5528 - Order return is not refunding the money
OFBIZ-5544 - The getFeatureIdQtyMap function doesn't include the DISTINGUISHING_FEAT into the featureMap
OFBIZ-5558 - View Calendar broken in Manufacturing
OFBIZ-5564 - Error when first login and change password
OFBIZ-5571 - Error when search Requirements.
OFBIZ-5575 - Form widget/ FTL pagination, Last does not take to last page
OFBIZ-5611 - If customer pay higher than amount due, POS issues an error 'Problem with order change'.
OFBIZ-5617 - payment services are not handling run time exceptions correctly
OFBIZ-5623 - Scrum component contains private email addresses

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