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Il semblerait que les capitaines quittent le navire avant les matelots : Président, vice-président, directrice de la com, directeur des opérations, ... Ca va être les soldes avant l'heure ?

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Tout les détails dans le fichier attaché (source : TheStandard.com) Amazon France head quits

Denis Terrien is the latest in a line of high-ranking executives to
leave the French subsidiary of the US Net giant

By Kristi Essick

The head of Amazon France, Denis Terrien, has stepped down, following
a series of recent high-profile departures from the French subsidiary
of the US e-commerce giant. Terrien, who has been president of Amazon
France since it was created two years ago, will be replaced by Georges

Terrien, who presided over the company's launch into the market in
August of last year, said he is leaving the firm to pursue another
professional project. His departure does not bode well for Amazon
France, which has lost three other high-ranking executives in the last
few months.

In February, vice-president Cécile Moulard left the company to pursue
other business opportunities, and Graziella Niang, head of
communications, also resigned. Alongside Terrien, Amazon France also
said goodbye to its director of operations, Vincent Marty, this week.

Terrien's place will be taken by 30 year-old Georges Aoun, currently
head of Amazon.fr books. Like Terrien, he has worked at Amazon since
its early days in France. The US company has had operations in France
for the last two years, but did not officially launch the Amazon.fr
site until last autumn. The company now has about 100 employees, with
at least half working at the Amazon.fr distribution centre in Boigny
sur Bionne.

Amazon does not release revenue figures for its individual
international subsidiaries but the French version of the site has
rapidly gained popularity. However, the site faces stiff competition
from existing players, which launched several years before Amazon.fr.

In January, Amazon.fr was the fifth most visited e-commerce site in
France, according to Jupiter MMXI. It's top two competitors, fnac.com
and Alapage, were the number one and number two e-commerce sites
during the same month. Fnac.com had a 9.9 per cent reach among French
Internet users, while Alapage.com reached 9.5 per cent of users.
Amazon.fr was visited by just 3.5 per cent of French Internet users.

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