Bon voilà, hier en surfant sur freshmeat, je tombe sur ça :
Et donc je m'empresse d'envoyé le mail suivant au concepteur :
>For every 256 bytes of input, 30 bytes of output result, guaranteed. The big
>challenge that lies ahead is to 'verify' this works for all possibilities of
>bits (2^256 verifications).
Yes that 's what an hashing algorithm is supposed to do... I don't understand
well what you are doing..? It's 100% sure that for every 256 bytes string
you'll get a shrinked result... but that only means that there exists some
collisions... more than one 256 bytes length string shrink into the same 30
bytes length string... because a hashing function is injective unlike a
compression algorithm which is bijective... that also means that a given
compression algorithm can't compress all input... this is the countable
argument.. you associate elements from a bigger set to a smaller set... not
all elements from the bigger set can have a counterpart in the smaller set...
if all elements have a counterpart, that means either there exists
collisions, or the two set are equals (that also means not all input are
shrinked but some of them are bigger).
Quentin Anciaux
Dont voici la réponse :
Thanks for the input. You and others have given me an introduction to number
theory and the reasons why my algorithm doesn't work, in theory. While I
concede that it is a true statement, I'm wanting to determine where my
algorithm fails, so I can make it work for the general case, and perhaps
expand a data structure or two in the specific cases where it does break
Todd Fries .. /////
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Journal Hashzip

# Re: Hashzip
Posté par MrTout (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
D'ailleurs c'est fou le nombre de fois où j'ai dû expliquer la même chose mais je n'ai jamais obtenu une telle réponse.
[^] # Re: Hashzip
Posté par TazForEver . Évalué à 2.
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