Freevo project at risk
What's this all about?
* The European Commission has proposed to override the current clear and uniform European patentability rules ("mathematical methods, schemes and rules for mental activity, methods of doing business and programs for computers are not patentable inventions") and replace them by a set of nationally implementable rules which make it very difficult for national courts to reject patents on algorithms and business methods such as Amazon One Click Shopping. 30,000 such patents have already been granted by the European Patent Office (EPO), openly since 1998 and more or less covertly since 1986. In return for transferring formal legislative competence to Brussels, the patent community's power center in Munich is officially authorised to set the substantive rules of patentability as it pleases. European patent attorneys are however obliged to bear a slightly greater rhetorical burden than their US colleagues: they must present their algorithm as a "computer implemented invention" which "makes a technical contribution in its inventive step".
* The new law would require reading all patents to make sure, we don't violate a patent by accident, e.g. a progress bar (!).
* Even if we are lucky and Freevo won't be affected by the new law, Xine and Mplayer will. This will mean that you have to use Freevo without these programs -- no video, tv or music plackback will be possible.
More Information
* We want to support the real demonstration that will take place in Brussels this wed 27 aug. Please be there!
* Please participate in this demonstration by replacing the title page of your project's site with a protest page against software patents. You can get a list of projects demonstrating here
* You can obtain required informations from the FFII.
Thank You!
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