Bonne nouvelle pour tous, la knoppix 3.4 va arriver.
Message de Klaus Knopper sur la liste debian-knoppix:
Hello everyone,
Just made another update for Knoppix 3.3, dated 09-02-2004.
Hopefully, it will be adpoted by most of the mirrors soon.
There is a bittorrent ( tracker
available, you may want to try this for download if the mirrors are
still busy. Address is
>From the 3.3 changelog:
- Kernel 2.4.24-xfs
- KDE 3.1.5 from Debian/unstable
- mozilla 1.6 from Debian/unstable
- fixed Knoppix-Terminalserver problem with new libacl
- XFree 3.4 from Debian/experimental
- removed prelink (hogs memory under certain conditions)
- removed for space reasons: kjots, kcoloredit
- added drivers for wireless cards
- the usual apt-get upgrade for everything.
This is probably the last 3.3 release before the upcoming Knoppix 3.4
CeBit edition, if no fatal bugs are found. If KDE 3.2 is available in
more or less "stable" packages (in Debian/unstable or experimental)
later this week, it will probably also be included in 3.4, though some
reports from people who have tried the KDE 3.2/stable prereleases do not
sound very enthusiastic yet.
Knoppix 3.4/CeBit is expected to have:
- Kernel 2.4.24-xfs as well as 2.6.x (optional), both with ACPI enabled
- capability to boot from USB and firewire CD-Roms
- isolinux instead of syslinux (booting from floppy will unfortunately
cease with this release, unless you manage to create your own
individual bootfloppy setup with a smaller kernel and initrd. Sorry,
we've just finally run out of space on the 1.44MB el torito floppy
image now.)
- captive NTFS write support
- KDE 3.2 (eventually, see above) or 3.1.5
- will have to remove some games, lesser used development packages and
desktop managers because of space issues
- wireless drivers (already present in the 3.3 update, see
- Fabian Franz' live installer for Debian package installation in the
ramdisk or on the persistent homedir
- desktop manager switching / easy X restart without reboot
- no unionfs/overlay filesystem support (it's just not stable enough
- more that I may have forgotten.
Some, but not all of these features are already present in the Knoppix
special edition that is published in the german c't magazine this week:
Journal Knoppix 3.3 et puis 3.4
# Re: Knoppix 3.3 et puis 3.4
Posté par djibb (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
- captive NTFS write support
Bon... je crois que c'est clair... ca va déchirer grave à partir de ce moment là.
Du Linux en live-CD qui écrit et lit le NTFS... en mode Full... Trop bien.
Yapukaattendre en plus saibiensailibre.
J'attends vraiment ca avec impatience... et un petit portage sous morphix rapide et la... bonheur summum pour tous les utilisateurs de windows qui seront convaincus (et qui ne seront pas obligés de passer par la case repartitionnement en FAT)
Bref, génial.
On fera juste attention à l'ACPI... comme elle est "on" par défaut va y avoir pleins de protables qui ne fonctionneront pas au premier abord (Chipset ALI + Athlon XP m)
Merci Klaus
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