Je me suis fait démarché par chat par un robot qui faisait de la pub pour une site pour adult. J'ai copié-collé le log de la session de chat. C'est assez bluffant! Je me demande combien de personnes vont se faire avoir et je me demande aussi quels sont les problèmes juridiques?
Intégralité de la conversation:
Session Start (Yahoo! - flyerlevrai:duracellshareholder): Fri Oct 17 14:01:26 2003
[14:01] duracellshareholder: hi... anyone there?
[14:01] flyerlevrai: hi
[14:01] duracellshareholder: oh your thhere :) hi...
[14:01] flyerlevrai: who are you ?
[14:02] duracellshareholder: all my personal info is on my web page, the link is iin my profile.
[14:02] flyerlevrai: your're a bot !
[14:02] duracellshareholder: a/s/l (age sx location)?
[14:02] duracellshareholder: bot? whats that? some kinda insultt or something?
[14:02] flyerlevrai: a robot
[14:03] duracellshareholder: oh you mean one of those auto talk things or ssomething right.. lol. well if you were in my apartment right now id lift up my skirt for you and i think youd be convinced real quick
[14:03] duracellshareholder: im 27/f/USA. was lookin at your profile. thouht you might like to chat.
[14:03] duracellshareholder: so what have you been up to flyeerlevrai?
[14:04] flyerlevrai: why your profile is an adult profile ?
[14:04] duracellshareholder: cool. i was just hangin out watching tv. i was getting kinda hory :) (*blushes)
[14:04] duracellshareholder: feel like a littlee cyber fun with me ? please please...
[14:05] flyerlevrai: send me a pix of you
[14:05] duracellshareholder: i think ill just take that as a yes... being as that iim starting to get real horny here.. lol ok?
[14:06] flyerlevrai: you make advertising for
[14:06] flyerlevrai: right ?
[14:06] flyerlevrai: how many you win for that ?
[14:06] duracellshareholder: alright :) how bout i get down on my knees in front of you and help you out of your pants?
[14:07] duracellshareholder: tell me what you want me to do with aou while i slip out of my panties
[14:07] flyerlevrai: it's the new fashion to make advertising
[14:08] flyerlevrai: but I don't know if you are a bot or not, I'm not sure
[14:08] duracellshareholder: ooh yeah babe.. dont stop. while i slide my hand down between my legs and part my moist lips
[14:08] flyerlevrai: Now I'm sure, YOURE A BOT :)
[14:08] duracellshareholder: oh well your looss. why dont you open up my profile and see what you missed out on. theres a link there to my homepage where i have some real nice pics to leave with.
[14:08] flyerlevrai: tanks for your stupid answer
Voici les liens qui apparaissent sur son profile:
· Home Page:
· Cool Link 1:
Et Voici ce qui est indiqué dans la section "More About Me":
Hobbies: roller blading, going to the beach, watching baseball games, being wined and dined
Latest News: i put up a homepage on this website. check out my pics on the homepage link
Vous connaissez beaucoup de filles qui aiment regarder les matchs de baseball? :) :) :)
Journal Les robots contre-attaquent
# Re: Les robots contre-attaquent
Posté par Olivier BENDRIES (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
# Re: Les robots contre-attaquent
Posté par rictus (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
(robot à apparence humaine et capable de sentiments)
"Programmable to your every desire your every wish"
Bref, c'est peut-être une affaire ! ;-)
[^] # Re: Les robots contre-attaquent
Posté par rictus (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
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