--[ Gherkin v0.2.2 ]
June 02, 2003 - Michael Schmuhl [www.altmode.com]
licence: GNU/GPL
platform(s): OS Independent, POSIX
There are many great open-source security tools available for vulnerability testing (Nessus), host scanning and fingerprinting (nmap), or general host info (dns or nmb lookup), etc. However, there are not many open-source applications leveraging existing open-source security tools to enable a security analyst to scan large networks and store the results in a manner where host vulnerability trending, host vulnerability tracking, host risk rating, and scan scheduling can easily be achieved. That is why we wrote Gherkin.
MD5SUM: 10d53b1548ce1a6c028038cd0f7debe3
Homepage: http://www.altmode.com/
Download: http://l0t3k.net/tools/VulnerabilityScanner/gherkin-0.2.2.tar.gz
Journal Gherkin v0.2.2
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