--[ Packit v0.6.0b ]
June 02, 2003 - Darren Bounds [®VA Software]
licence: GNU/GPL
platform(s): Linux
Packit is a network auditing tool. Its value is derived from its ability to customize, inject, monitor, and manipulate IP traffic. By allowing you to define (spoof) nearly all TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, ARP, RARP, and Ethernet header options, Packit can be useful in testing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, port scanning, simulating network traffic, and general TCP/IP auditing. Packit is also an excellent tool for learning TCP/IP.
MD5SUM: 5667c703c704c49c1f4866fcf918573f
Homepage: http://packit.sourceforge.net/
Download: http://l0t3k.net/tools/PacketGenerator/packit-0.6.0b.tgz
Journal Packit v0.6.0b
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