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Hi All,
It's been a while since our last update. In this update, you'll find the
1. FreeZope open for registration again!
2. FreeZope problems solved?
3. FreeZopeFolder introduced
4. Plone discussion
5. Revised terms and conditions
6. Amaze Professinal Zopehosting
1. FreeZope open for registration again!
FreeZope accepts new registration requests again! Our registrationpolicy
is a bit more restrictive than it used to be, but people who want to
actively work with Zope still can count on getting an account!
2. FreeZope problems solved?
As you may or may not have noticed, we've had some problems with FreeZope the
last few months - we hope to have most of these problems fixed right now.
First of all, our previous registration system was not sufficient anymore
to handle the load of registrations. Not only did the system not scale too
well, it also didn't allow us to filter out 'bogus' or in appropriate
At a certain point, we noticed users used automated registration scripts to
register sites for porn/warez/spamsite hosting, which, of course, we don't
Futhermore, the server has experienced some problems from a couple of such
sites - FreeZope receiving thousands of requests for mp3's and such.
Another problem was users registering for a FreeZope account for less
appropriate reasons. FreeZope isn't just a "free homepage provider" -
we try to offer an environment where people can learn about Zope or
host Zope/Python related projects. There are dozens of places which
are more suited for hosting static content, FreeZope is really about
dynamic content, and is optimized as such.
Our new registration system should allow us to properly determine if a
registration request is suitable for FreeZope, and should block automated
registration attempts.
A whole different problem was caused by clueless Yahoo users. Searching for
'delete account' on search.yahoo.com for some reason returned links to
FreeZope.org, causing hundreds of Yahoo users requesting account deletion
in one of the FreeZope forums. We hope to have solved this permanently,
although ZUBB doesn't handle the cleanups very well, and the FreeZope forum
is a bit broken now.
We plan to renew the FreeZope site the next comming months, and move to a
new discussion platform, at which point hopefully these problems will be fixed.
3. FreeZopeFolder introduced
After a short testing period by some FreeZope users, we've enabled the
FreeZope folder. Most people won't even have noticed the changes, except for
the extra 'FreeZope' and 'News' tab.
Basically, all FreeZope sites are now hosted in a FreeZope folder, which offers
the following functionality on top of the QuotaFolder we developed earlier
here, for easier FreeZope management.
- email management
people can now change their primary email address in a safe way through
the Zope Management Interface
- acl_users protection
the folder prohibits deletion of acl_users, quite commonly caused by
buggy software (and clueless users :). We're still working on an
improved UserFolder that protects the main management account.
- Logintimes are registered
we can use this information later to cleanup accounts that have been
inactive for a long while. We will of course announce this first.
- News
We can now post newsmessages in the news tab, informing all active
FreeZope users - not all users are subscribed to the freezope-announce
Some 'older' users may not have an initial emailaddress set in their account.
Please check the 'FreeZope' tab and configure a properly working emailaddress
as soon as possible.
The address won't be used for mailing, only for sending (very) urgent
messages and forgotten passwords.
People who do not maintain a correct address and who lose their password,
may lose permanent access to their site.
4. Plone discussion
In the last few months we've gained quite some experience with Plone. We would
still like to offer Plone on FreeZope, but are concerned about its impact
on the system for the following reasons:
- Plone (or largely CMF) is CPU and memory intensive
We're afraing that all the Plone testsites that will appear may severely
impact the overall FreeZope server performance.
- Migration is difficult
Up until now, Plone migrations haven't always been flawless. That means
that if we were to upgrade a Plone install, we wouldn't be able to do it
transparently - it needs involvement of the maintainer of the FreeZope
site. And if it fails, we wouldn't be able to restore the data.
Also, after an upgrade, all sites which haven't been converted yet, may
appear broken until the site has been migrated to the newer version.
We apperciate your opinion on these matters - please direct them to
5. Revised terms and conditions
As you may have guessed - we don't make any money out of FreeZope (it actually
costs us a lot of money in terms of hardware, bandwith and manpower). FreeZope
is what we give back to the Zope / Open Source community in return for these
excellent products.
However, this also means that we would like to focus our efforts on this
community, and avoid unrelated FreeZope usage, such as:
- hosting data for external websites
- offering large, static files
- hosting unrelated or commercial content
- more strict anti-spamming policy
We have revised our terms and conditions at
to include these points. This new policy will be enforced starting June 1 2003.
People who disagree with this policy are free to cancel their FreeZope
account by sending a mail to 'support@freezope.org' with subject
'Rejection of new policy'. Please include your sitename in your email address,
remove all content from your freezope account and place an index_html in your
site containing 'rejection of new policy'. (This way we can verify the actual
site owner actually agrees.)
6. Amaze Professional Zope Services
FreeZope is brought to you by Amaze, a Zope consultancy firm in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands. If you're looking for Zope consultancy, Zope Solutions or
commercial / professional Zope hosting, please contact us at info@amaze.nl
and support FreeZope indirectly this way.
That's all. Thanks for using and supporting FreeZope!
The FreeZope team
http://www.freezope.org/ - Free non-commercial zope hosting, brought to you by Amaze
Internet Services (http://www.amaze.nl/)
Please visit http://lists.amaze.nl/mailman/listinfo/announce for modifications to
your subscription.
Journal Hébergement ZOPE
# Merci
Posté par Larry Cow . Évalué à 1.
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