Il semble que la commision europeenne est bougee un petit peu (depuis le temps!) a propos de l'attribution des noms de domaines .eu
voila le courrier que l'EURid a envoye
You are receiving this mail because you have subscribed your email address to
be informed of news relating to .eu TLD or have expressed an interest to
become a .eu accredited registrar.
We write to update you on progress towards launching .eu TLD.
On 10 Mar 2004, the Communications Committee of the EU member states approved
the draft text of a Commission Regulation laying down public policy rules
concerning the implementation and functions of the .eu Top Level Domain and
the principles governing registration (PPR). Within the next few weeks it is
expected that the Commission will adopt the Regulation and publish the
content. We then be able to publish to text on our web site
Next steps for us:
We will conclude contractual matters with the European Commission and continue
the negotiation with ICANN to have .eu put in the root.
Once the PPR are adopted and the contract with the Commission signed, we will
finalise our registrar contract to reflect the requirements of the PPR and
publish it on our web site in all official EU languages. By registrar we mean
Internet service provider or other body involved in registering domain names
on behalf of their clients Those who wish to become an accredited registrar
and can comply with the agreement will be able to print and sign it for return
to the registry. We estimate this to be ready by mid to late April 2004.
Soon after the PPR are adopted, we will also finalise our registrant Terms &
Conditions to reflect the Public Policy Rules. This will also be published on
our web site in all official EU languages. We estimate this to be ready during
By registrant we mean an organisation or person wishing to register their own
.eu domain name through an accredited .eu registrar.
We will begin to publish important dates and procedures on our web site and
alert those who have subscribed to the list by email. This will include rules
and procedures for the sunrise period when those with prior rights to a name
will be able to apply to register their name in advance of opening for general
Updates will follow in the near future.
Journal .eu
# Re: .eu
Posté par plagiats . Évalué à 1.
S'ils (mais ce n'était pas eux) font comme les .biz & .info, ce sera pour fin Mai.
Au fait les .aero .museum .pro sont passé à la trappe?? D'après mes souvenirs (flemme d'aller chercher) les .coop .name ont été lancés dans l'indifférence générale.. :(
Est ce que qqun sait pourquoi certains TLD sont en .co.tld ? (
[^] # Re: .eu
Posté par daggett . Évalué à 1.
.aero et .museum semblent peuplés:
.pro, moins
Mais j'ai quand meme du mal à voir l'interet de tous ces nouveau TLD (à part .eu, justement)
# Re: .eu
Posté par ours Ours (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
Après, on pourra seulement prendre des domaines.
et à l'époque c'était prévu pour septembre, je ne suis pas sur que ca aie changé.
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