Une analyse amusante.
« Much of the commentary on the SCO distributed denial of service scenario, including our own, has been based on the premise that SCO badly wants to keep their web site running. This may not be the case: unlike Microsoft, which has a real business to run and a real need to keep its web site operational, SCO Executives may not strongly care about the availability of www.sco.com. After all, Michael Doyles half a billion dollar patent win against Microsoft scarcely hinged on the response times of the Eolas web site.
In fact, the author of the MyDoom virus has delegated control of directing the most enormous volume of http traffic that the Internet has yet seen to hostmaster@sco.com. On a whim, SCO can direct that Tsunami at an object of their choosing, simply by changing an A record in named.conf in time for the change to propagate by Sunday. [...] »
Journal SCO.com is a weapon of mass destruction
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