Y'a un article marrant de Wired qui parle de LinuxWorld, « It's a Cold, Cold LinuxWorld » :
On y apprend que l'expo est envahie de consultants, représentants de grosses boîtes (y compris Microsoft).
Citation marrante :
« It's interesting to watch as new users of Linux, including reps from Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and VeriSign, are trotted out to explain how great Linux is to people who have probably spent the last decade elbow deep in kernel code.
"It's like watching a baby discover its toes," said New Jersey coder Nick Nardine. "Not only does the baby think its toes are the coolest thing in the world, it insists you must discover your toes too. Watching these guys push Linux on us is endearing and annoying at the same time." »
Voir aussi cet article (de yeupou je crois) sur advogato à propos des "Open Source product excellence awards" :
Ah oui et le site officiel http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/ tourne au Microsoft-IIS/5.0. Youpi.
Journal LinuxWorld
# Re: LinuxWorld
Posté par zelyph . Évalué à 2.
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