Forum Programmation.c++ glew MX

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bonjour ,
je voudrait compiler Glew por pouvoir en faire du Multiple Rendering Contexts (GLEW MX)...mais je sais pas comment faire , sur le site de glex il disent juste :
Compile and use GLEW with the GLEW_MX preprocessor token defined.
For each rendering context, create a GLEWContext object that will be available as long as the rendering context exists.
Define a macro or function called glewGetContext() that returns a pointer to the GLEWContext object associated with the rendering context from which OpenGL/WGL/GLX calls are issued. This dispatch mechanism is primitive, but generic.
Make sure that you call glewInit() after creating the GLEWContext object in each rendering context. Note, that the GLEWContext pointer returned by glewGetContext() has to reside in global or thread-local memory.

mais je suis debutant et je comprend rien ,...
si quelque peut m'expliquer la marche a suivre

merci d'avance

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