Journal \o/ Manuel de blender pas annulé !

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Dear customer,

Almost two weeks ago we delivered all material to the book printer,
and they've now confirmed the final schedule. So here are some interesting

March 12: book printing finished
March 15-17: cdroms inserted in book
March 18: books delivered at my place
March 19: book signing with personal messages!
March 20/21: packing books, and make ready for shipment (almost 1400
March 22: Spring Express Mail picks books up

The book is 784 pages now, 40 mm thick (1.58 inch). The book also has
a new cover and a very nice 2 color interior. Check the e-shop at our
site for previews of this, plus the full contents overview.

As for the GameKit, we'll also make a deal with a US publisher for
printing and distribution in the USA, to Amazon and bookstores
globally. This edition will be available in about 2 months.

Thanks again for the incredible support!



C'est vraiment une très bonne nouvelle !

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