• # Pan dans ta gueule Larry

    Posté par  . Évalué à 3. Dernière modification le 05 avril 2021 à 20:43.

    J'adore :

    Not only is this the only possible correct and proper ruling, it also means Oracle and Larry Ellison fall flat on their face which is always a joyous occasion as far as I’m concerned. And so ends the saga that, according to my pet conspiracy theory, was set up as one-two punch between Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison, who were incredibly close friends. Apple’s patent assault on Android vendors and Oracle’s attack on Google’s Android API usage happened at the same time, right after Jobs proclaimed he would go “thermonuclear war” on Android.

  • # Communiqué de Mozilla

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4. Dernière modification le 05 avril 2021 à 23:54.


    In an important victory for software developers, the Supreme Court ruled today that reimplementing an API is fair use under US copyright law. The Court’s reasoning should apply to all cases where developers reimplement an API, to enable interoperability, or to allow developers to use familiar commands. This resolves years of uncertainty, and will enable more competition and follow-on innovation in software.

    This ruling arrives after more than ten years of litigation […]

    When the case reached the Supreme Court, Mozilla filed an amicus brief arguing that APIs should not be copyrightable or, alternatively, reimplementation of APIs should be covered by fair use. The Court took the second of these options

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