Une copie du message :
Sam Magnuson (the Trolltech dude who did the initial Qt/Mac KDE port) is dead busy and hasn't had the time he'd like to work on it. He'll be available for questions a bit, but I'm taking another whack at the port myself. I'm incredibly busy for the next month or so, so I'm looking for people willing to help out. I've already had one offer from someone who's started in on it. The goal this time is to get something basic working, and to the point where the KDE folks will accept it (at least in a branch).
I'm thinking this is a good time to revive the KDE-Darwin mailing list. If you're interested, go there and say "hello" to the list. Don't be shy, there's probably only 10 people on it.
I've gotten a decent amount of kdelibs building using Sam's previous patches as a reference (they're too old to apply cleanly, KDE CVS waits for no man). If anyone else wants to help, I'll make sure my changes get put somewhere so people can give a hand.
Happy hacking!
Pour rappel, le portage de la librairie QT sans utiliser X permettrait de porter "facilement" toutes les applis QT/KDE sur MAC OS X (Koffice, konqueror, kmail, ...) Bref, avis aux amateurs...
Journal Qt/Mac KDE Call for Help
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