Yes !!!
On y annonce un premier support de Linux pour le portable Neuros,
ainsi que le support de Ogg/Vorbis tout en haut de la TODO liste,
et apparement bien avancé.
Pour l'instant, en dit ceci :
The Foundation has entered into a preliminary agreement to bring Vorbis playback to the coming-soon Neuros Digital Audio Computer. We have prototype units now, and hacking has already begun. The units will be on the market soon, with Vorbis slated to be playable this spring.
Please do not run out and purchase this device immediately, assuming that Vorbis playback will be supported by Neuros. The firmware we write for them (codenamed 'NeuRosetta') will be documented in its creation, and we'll have a site up to document the progress. When that site says it's 'safe' to buy the unit, then it's safe.
That being said, we're contracted for the work, and we'll be hacking like crazy to get it ready for you ASAP. Constantly bugging us about this work will certainly not help it get done faster, and pressing on Digital Innovations for details will probably drive them insane. Details will be posted as soon as details can be posted. Thanks!
Ne pas se précipiter, donc.
Mais si ça sort et quand ça sort, ça mérite une news.
Feature request: cocher la case "Mettre le journal en page principale"
par défaut.
Journal Ogg Vorbis et le lecteur Neuros
# Re: Ogg Vorbis et le lecteur Neuros
Posté par Ramso . Évalué à 4.
vala vala...
# Re: Ogg Vorbis et le lecteur Neuros
Posté par nemrod . Évalué à 1.
Est-il dispo en france ? Ou bien ne livre-t-il qu'aux US ?
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