• # Bah on dirait...

    Posté par  . Évalué à -1.

    ... un desktop manager sponsorisé par Fisher-Price.

    Ca vise probablement à ne pas dépayser les utilisateurs de ce que vous savez.

    Quelqu'un l'a testé ? C'est bien ? Ca me semble un peu jeune comparé à GNOME et KDE...
  • # Les sources sont tes amies !!

    Posté par  . Évalué à 0.


    Je dois pouvoir t'aider : META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="PHP-Nuke 6.0 - Copyright 2002 by http://phpnuke.org(...)"

    Avec phpnuke tu peux faire des trucs pas mals en php/javascript.

  • # un tree view en javascript/css ?

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    si tu veux un treeview css/javascript, tu as :


    et des exemple :

    http://sstree.tigris.org/nonav/example1.html(...) (aucune decoration...)
    http://sstree.tigris.org/nonav/example2.html(...) (tout plein de decoration...)
    http://sstree.tigris.org/nonav/example4.html(...) (avec une mise en page de type colonne...)

    citation de la page d'acceuil :
    What is the goal of this project?
    The goal of the sstree project is to make it as easy as possible for developers to implement the commonly recurring need of presenting tree-structure information in a web-based user interface. This is done with a few very simple JavaScript code examples.
    What is the scope of this project?
    This is a very small project that consists of only a few code snippets embeded within example HTML pages. The code presented may not satisfy everyone's needs, it is just a very simple starting point that accomplishes what 80% of developers need. Since the starting point is simple, it is easy to build on.
    What are high-level features of sstree?

    • Collapse/expand functionality

    • Clean HTML structure

    • Cross-browser compatability

    • Visual appearance handled by CSS

    • Very simple code

    • Degraded mode is still usable in browsers without JavaScript

  • # What is XPde?

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    c'est clair comme explication. C'est visible en cliquant sur le lien Home, mais
    pas quand tu arrives sur le site, tu as index, mais pas home ; allez comprendre
    la subtilité windowsienne.

    What is XPde?

    It's a desktop environment(XPde) and a window manager(XPwm) for Linux. It tries to make easier for Windows XP users to use a Linux box. Nothing more, no clipboard compatibility between Gtk and Qt applications, no emulation of Windows applications, no unification on the widgets of X applications, just a desktop environment and a window manager.

    If you want to know at a glance what XPde is, read the FAQ and check out the Screenshots before Download. You can contact with us in the Forums, in the Development mailing list, in our IRC channel or submitting here your Feedback. If you find a bug, please, submit it HERE, and if you want to join us or check out who we are, browse the Team Page.

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