Journal Mon dieu...

Posté par  (site web personnel) .
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"I can't help but sit here and wonder ... if parents fully understand the ramifications of what it is to steal a movie or pirate a song," he said. "If more American parents understood the connection between the pirating of intellectual property and organized crime, I think then there'd be a much more effective public relations response in our own country to better appreciate the disastrous ramifications."

Representative John Carter, a Texas Republican, suggested that college students would stop downloading if some were prosecuted and received sentences of 33 months or longer, like the defendants in the DOJ's Operation Buccaneer. "I think it'd be a good idea to go out and actually bust a couple of these college kids," Carter said. "If you want to see college kids duck and run, you let them read the papers and somebody's got a 33-month sentence in the federal penitentiary for downloading copyrighted materials."

Mon dieu, ils ont osé le faire P2P ==> pirate ==> crime organisé ==> terrorisme !!!

Il veulent envoyer des collégiens plus de 2 ans en taule pour du p2p ! Il y a des crimes moins punis que ça !!!
(from the board)
  • # Pas con...

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4.

    How could I have been so blind as to not see the obvious links between audio / video piracy and terrorism ?

    I think there's only one answer. I must never again pay money for audio or video entertainment. I must only download it for free. Even going to a shop and buying CDs and DVDs sounds too risky for me now - you never know whether the store you're going to is just a front for a bunch of terrorists.

    But if I'm not paying any money then no money can be going to fund terrorism.

    If we all do this, it'll cut off terrorism funding at the knees.

    Please everybody - think of the children.

    "La première sécurité est la liberté"

  • # Re: Mon dieu...

    Posté par  . Évalué à 5.

    Il est Texan, il est républicain, cherchez l'équivalent ;-)
    • [^] # Re: Mon dieu...

      Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

      Mmm, il est con? Non sérieux pour avoir hébergé pendant 6 mois un Texan qui pour là-bas était limite gauchiste et intello, je peux vous dire qu'on a du souci à se faire... C'est vraiment pas la même mentalité...
  • # Re: Mon dieu...

    Posté par  . Évalué à 3.

    J'ai souvent l'impression que les gens du showbiz et en particulier les ricains, sont assez forts pour dire "faites ce que je dis pas ce que je fais" et pour reprocher à d'autres leurs propres torts...
    Ca pourrait bien en être un autre exemple ..
    • [^] # Re: Mon dieu...

      Posté par  . Évalué à 3.

      Ben oui, mais ils réussissent parfaitement à faire parler d'eux !!!

      J'ai toujours admiré la stratégie de communication de JC 'Be Aware' Vandamme. :-)

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