Journal Prenez gardes aux zigomates !

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Je viens de tomber sur ça sur alionet :
Je ne peux m'empêcher de vous donner le lien, en espérant que vous connaissiez pas !
Un extrait :
Nov. 1 -- Hoping to capitalize on everybody's favorite capitalist company, the city of Redmond receives a $2.4 million federal grant to open a Microsoft Museum and Visitor Center. The museum will include several historic artifacts, including the centerpiece, a dog-eared copy of the Macintosh User Interface Guide in which Bill Gates personally wrote annotations like "We need to copy this feature" and "Explorer sounds better than Finder" and "Let's call this 'Recycle Bin' instead."

Mort de rire :)

@+ les gens, et bonne rigolade !
  • # merci pour ce moment de rire...

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.

    Et bien, je ne connaissais pas, et je dois te remercier ! C'était vraiment _très_ bon.

    Juste pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche : ce sont les prévisions 2005 des principaux évènements du monde informatique... Les revirements de Sun sont particulièrement succulents.

    Bref, je le conseille à tous !
  • # zigomat_iqu_es plutôt

    Posté par  . Évalué à 3.

    non ? (tout est dans le titre)
  • # J'ai bien ri

    Posté par  . Évalué à 6.

    C'est vraiment sympa.

    mon passage preféré:
    Dec. 2 -- The newly created Free Hardware Foundation, headed by Richard M. Stallman, finally demonstrates a practical, non-evil application for DRM hardware. Using an open BIOS architecture, the system will refuse to run any software that is not released under an open source license.

    "Our DRM system is designed to manage and protect your digital rights, not the rights of Hollywood executives jockeying to buy their fifth luxury yacht," RMS explains. "The idea is simple: All software must include the source code, which is compiled on the fly by the CPU. All binary code will be automatically chucked into /dev/null."

    In another interview, RMS adds wryly, "This is one platform Microsoft will not be able to embrace and extinguish. If they try to force Windows to run on this hardware by hacking the DRM restrictions, then they will be in violation of the DMCA. Bwahahahaha!"
  • # Aller, une autre avec le RMS national ...

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 0.

    Dec. 2 -- The newly created Free Hardware Foundation, headed by Richard M. Stallman, finally demonstrates a practical, non-evil application for DRM hardware. Using an open BIOS architecture, the system will refuse to run any software that is not released under an open source license.

    "Our DRM system is designed to manage and protect your digital rights, not the rights of Hollywood executives jockeying to buy their fifth luxury yacht," RMS explains. "The idea is simple: All software must include the source code, which is compiled on the fly by the CPU. All binary code will be automatically chucked into /dev/null."

    In another interview, RMS adds wryly, "This is one platform Microsoft will not be able to embrace and extinguish. If they try to force Windows to run on this hardware by hacking the DRM restrictions, then they will be in violation of the DMCA. Bwahahahaha!"
  • # La source

    Posté par  . Évalué à 3.

    Pour citer quand même le site d'origine de ce bon moment de poilade :
  • # Visionnaire

    Posté par  . Évalué à 4.

    Dec. 25 -- The Johnson family of Vineland, New Jersey, is rudely awakened by a team of hired goons at their front door demanding to see the license for their home's copyrighted floorplan. When they bought the house last year, they weren't told the original floorplan had been featured in the July 1979 issue of Better Hovels and Shacks Magazine and was still copyrighted by the architect.

    "Floorplan piracy is a growing problem that we must tackle," says Shay Kuhdowne, chief of the BIAA (Blueprint Industry Association of America). "Ignorance of the law is no excuse not to maintain the necessary paperwork for your home's floorplan license. Violators will be hunted down and punished severely."
  • # ou est la 64k ???

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à -2.

    je n ai pas trouver la citation de billou :
    " aucun programme n aura jamais besoin de plus de 64k de RAM" ...

    en parlant de ca ... saismalsaissouswindows, mais c est franchement magnifique ce que des gens /intelligents/ peuvent faire avec ce system pourri : 17 minutes de video haute definition dans 64k ( cf la FR_08 ... tiens elle est toujours 3e depuis plus de 2 ans )
  • # /dev/random

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    May 23 -- In a letter to Congress, The SCO Group warns that Linux and Unix system contain a device called /dev/random that could, if executed enough times, theoretically generate an already copyrighted work, such as the Windows source code. "This device is clearly a violation of the DMCA... all Linux distributors should be held criminally liable for its existence. Several mega-skazillion dollars worth of intellectual property could be at risk..."

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