Journal Un "représentant" de l'Open Source pour les brevets logiciels...

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Vu sur le site de la FFII :
Associations Industrielles: Sociétés du Logiciel Libre veulent des brevets logiciels

In a "Joint Statement of the Industry", directed to the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), the presidents of various industry associations, including Graham Taylor from the "Open Forum Europe" as a representative of the Linux/Opensource world, asks the legislators to ensure

1. that computer programs are treated as patentable inventions and
2. programs are directly claimable, so that programmers can be sued for publishing a program.

Moreover, as means of "protecting opensource software", the signatories ask the European Parliament to ensure that

1. whenever an interface is patented, interoperable software may not be published or used without a license
2. business methods are patentable "only" to the extent that a computer or some other device is involved
3. the European Commission shall publish more papers about the effects of patents on SMEs.

Sur la page d'accueil du site "Open Forum Europe" :

OpenForum Europe is a new initiative, whose objective is to accelerate and broaden the market take up of Open Source Software (OSS) including Linux. Major vendors and distributors, software houses, services and integration companies, as well as major users are all supporting the project.

C'est assez consternant de voir quelqu'un se représentant comme un défendeur de l'Open Source et de Linux faire du lobbying pour le brevet logiciel.

La réaction de Bruce Perens : Alert: False Open Source Representative

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