Extrait d'une press release :
September 17, 2003
IBM and Microsoft sponsored a briefing for the media and IT analysts today to promote the future of Web services and the role of uniform standards to shape that future for our customers.
This event does not signify a change in IBM's relationship with Microsoft. The two companies continue to compete vigorously in the midmarket and beyond, and IBM continues to encourage customers to consider Linux where appropriate.
"The differentiation between Microsoft, IBM and others will not be in these standards, but in how these standards are implemented to satisfy customer needs," Gates said.
Quand je lis ca, je ne sais pas si j'ai envie de rire ou de le frapper (quand on connaît la désagréable habitude qu'a MS de détourner les standards pour que les documents produits par ses programmes soient incompatibles avec la concurrence...).
C'est grave, docteur ?
Journal Envie de rire.
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