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en provenance de LtU :
Programming language people have a term for making the syntax of a language pretty: syntactic sugar. XML is syntactic arsenic. -- Patrick Logan
Structure is nothing if it is all you got. Skeletons spook people if [they] try to walk around on their own. I really wonder why XML does not. -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp
If SETI@home works, for example, we'll need libraries for communicating with aliens. Unless of course they are sufficiently advanced that they already communicate in XML. -- Paul Graham
Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon
en provenance d'un journal sur advogato :
Bram's law :
The easier a piece of software is to write, the worse it's implemented in practice.
Why? Easy software projects can be done by almost any random person, so they are. It's possible to try to nudge your way into being the standard for an easy thing based on technical merit, but that's rather like trying to become a hollywood star based on talent and hard work. You're much better off trading it all in for a good dose of luck.
This is why HTTP is a mess while transaction engines are rock solid. Almost any programmer can do a mediocre but workable job of extending HTTP, (and boy, have they,) but most people can't write a transaction engine which even functions. The result is that very few transaction engines are written, almost all of them by very good programmers, and the few which aren't up to par tend to be really bad and hardly get used. HTTP, on the other hand, has all kinds of random people hacking on it, as a result of which Python has a 'fully http 1.1 compliant' http library which raises assertion failures during normal operation.
Journal Citations
# Re: Citations
Posté par Gabriel . Évalué à 2.
Il y a bien
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[^] # Re: Citations
Posté par Boa Treize (site web personnel) . Évalué à 3.
# Re: Citations
Posté par Boa Treize (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
C'est encore valable ? Ça date de quand ? (Il faut se méfier de ce genre de critique dans les citations...)
[^] # Re: Citations
Posté par Vivi (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
# Re: Citations
Posté par Boa Treize (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always
so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
(Bertrand Russell)
IRC: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
-- I've worked at Sandia for two years (this week).
-- Man, that's a lot of overtime.
Unix makes easy tasks hard and hard tasks possible.
Windows makes easy tasks easy and hard tasks $29.95.
Le plus beau cadeau qu'ait pu nous faire notre mère c'est de nous donner
naissance le jour de notre anniversaire.
Commit du soir, espoir.
Build du matin, chagrin.
When you're tired of choosing the lesser of two evils!
Vote Cthulhu in 2004!
# Re: Citations
Posté par XHTML/CSS inside (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
# Re: Citations
Posté par finss (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
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