Forum général.petites-annonces Interview Richard Stallman

Posté par  (site web personnel) .
Étiquettes :

Richard Stallman, créateur du projet GNU, sera présent cette année (comme les précédentes), en particulier pour la cérémonie du Free Software award.…)

Vous pouvez lui poser ici vos questions jusqu'au Dimanche 30 Janvier 2005 au matin. L'équipe du FOSDEM les intégrera alors dans l'interview qui lui sera envoyée puis publiée sur le site du FOSDEM.

  • # Logiciel libre, ou libéral?

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.

    M. Stallman,

    Dans un entretien récent ( vous dites être parvenu récemment à la conclusion que le libéralisme au sens économique est quelque chose de néfaste [1]. Pourtant, votre définition du logiciel libre peut être qualifiée pour le moins de libérale (ou laissez-faire comme disent les états-uniens) puisqu'elle laisse aux éditeurs le pouvoir de fixer à la fois le prix à demander au public, et le revenu à donner ou pas aux auteurs.

    Comment pensez-vous résoudre cette contradiction, et ne pensez-vous pas que les valeurs que vous défendez sur le plan du développement logiciel devraient aussi s'appliquer sur le plan économique?

    [1] "I've recently come to the conclusion that frictionless international trade is inherently a harmful thing."
    • [^] # TRADUCTION, ATTENTION faux-amis

      Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

      Attention pour ceux qui vont traduire en anglais du message ci-dessus, "libéral" est un faux-amis qui ne se traduit pas en Anglais par "liberal" (qui signifie en français quelquechose comme "de centre-gauche" voir gauchiste quand c'est dit de maniere péjorative par un conservateur républicain, l'ennemi du "liberal" démocrate )
    • [^] # Re: Logiciel libre, ou libéral?

      Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.

      (Je suis sûr que RMS comprend parfaitement le français, mais puisqu'on nous demande de l'anglais je tente une traduction...)

      Mr Stallman,

      In a recent interview for KernelTrap, you say that you have "recently come to the conclusion that frictionless international trade is inherently a harmful thing". However, your definition of free software could be qualified at least as "laissez-faire", since it gives editors the power to establish the price to be paid by the public, and the wages to pay, or not to pay, to programmers.

      Don't you think that values that you defend in the field of software programming should also be applied in the field of economics?
  • # 3 questions

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    First, almost the same question i asked to Harald Welte:
    is a new GPL needed to address web services that don't publish their source code , appliances (set top boxes, small server boxes, ...) that you rent without getting any source code , and patents (so that anyone that sues a GPL software with a patent has no longer the rights to use it) ?

    Second, it seems the European Council of Ministers will keep adding Software Patents at the last moment, each time it meets. Is there a way to stop this ?

    Third, we don't hear much now about "trusted" computing that prevents you from doing what you want with your computer: TCPA/TCG/NGSCB/...
    is it because it is mostly inside appliances and not yet in PCs ?
  • # OpenSolaris

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.

    Que pensez vous de la decision de Sun Microsystem de fournir OpenSolaris sous licence Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) non compatible avec la GPL, afin d'être incompatible avec la majorté des programmes GNU/Linux importants et donc ne pas les aider?
  • # Dear Mr Stallman

    Posté par  . Évalué à 0.

    I want to thank you.
    your work is fantastic! with your very nice Gnu Public License ,
    everybody's free to use what they want on their computer.
    I am proud to use free software , (i love emacs a lot...) and i think
    that thanks to your work Freedom is now a part of my life, because
    I can now work on free software (in beer & speech :o)
    and read free documentation (wikipedia is fantastic, it helps me every day! )
    ,even listen free music and
    now ,i can participate in what i use or enjoy.

    Continue to defend freedom ; don't lose the war against e-patents.
    i also ever will defend freedom.
    since i saw freedom for the first time , i can't lose it .
    that's why i will defend it.

    Thank you very much Mr Stallman.
    for giving the world a piece of freedom.
    • [^] # Re: Dear Mr Stallman

      Posté par  . Évalué à 3.

      [David Faure] > Dear Mr Stallman
      [Emacs Psychiatrist] > Do you know Stallman?
      [D.F.] > I want to thank you.
      [E.P.] > Why do you say you might want to thank?
      [D.F.] > your work is fantastic! with your very nice Gnu Public License ,
      [E.P.] > What makes you believe that?
      [D.F.] > everybody's free to use what they want on their computer.
      [E.P.] > You have your mind on computers, it seems.
      [D.F.] > I am proud to use free software , (i love emacs a lot...) and i think
      [E.P.] > Emacs? Hah! I would appreciate it if you would continue.
      [D.F.] > that thanks to your work Freedom is now a part of my life, because
      [E.P.] > Is it because thanks to my work freedom is now a part of your life because that you came to me?
      [D.F.] > I can now work on free software (in beer & speech :o)
      [E.P.] > Do you drink a lot of beer?
      [D.F.] > and read free documentation (wikipedia is fantastic, it helps me every day! )
      [E.P.] > Earlier you said you would like to thank?
      [D.F.] > ,even listen free music and
      [E.P.] > Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
      [D.F.] > now ,i can participate in what i use or enjoy.
      [E.P.] > I don't understand.

      [D.F.] > Continue to defend freedom ; don't lose the war against e-patents.
      [E.P.] > You mentioned that thanks to my work freedom is now a part of your life because?
      [D.F.] > i also ever will defend freedom.
      [E.P.] > Is it because of your life that you are going through all this?
      [D.F.] > since i saw freedom for the first time , i can't lose it .
      [E.P.] > What happened when you saw freedom for the first time you cannot lose it?
      [D.F.] > that's why i will defend it.
      [E.P.] > Does it bother you that you will defend it?

      [D.F.] > Thank you very much Mr Stallman.
      [E.P.] > Tell me about your feelings about him.
      [D.F.] > for giving the world a piece of freedom.
      [E.P.] > Are you sure that for giving the world a piece of freedom?

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