Forum Linux.débutant opensmtpd

Posté par  . Licence CC By‑SA.
Étiquettes : aucune

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai suivi la configuration opensmtpd de ce site.

Il y a des erreurs de syntaxe en gras mais je ne vois pas pourquoi !

J'ai mis les lignes entre * phrase de code *

# signed by dkimproxy
listen on lo port 10028 tag DkimOut

# filtered by amavisd
listen on lo port 10025 tag Clean

# Tables
# If you edit a file, you have to run "smtpctl update table <table_name>"

table aliases "/etc/smtpd/aliases"
table shitlist "/etc/smtpd/shitlist"

# Actions

**action local_deliver lmtp "/run/dovecot/lmtp" alias <aliases>**
action to_amavisd    relay host smtp://
action to_dkimproxy  relay host smtp://
action relay_out     relay helo

# Matches

# Reject emails from banned domains
#match from any mail-from <shitlist> for any reject

# Deliver local emails
**match action local_deliver**
match for domain "" action local_deliver
match from any auth for domain "" action local_deliver

# Deliver filtered emails
**match from any tag Clean for domain "" action local_deliver**

# Send unfiltered emails to amavisd
**match from any for domain "" action to_amavisd**

# Relay outgoing emails when signed
**match from any tag DkimOut for any action relay_out**

# Send outgoing unsigned emails to dkimproxy
**match for any action to_dkimproxy**
match from any auth for any action to_dkimproxy

Le message d'erreur d'opensmtpd est le suivant,

root@mail:~# smtpd -vvvd -f /etc/smtpd.conf
/etc/smtpd.conf:XX: syntax error
/etc/smtpd.conf:XX: syntax error
/etc/smtpd.conf:XX: syntax error
/etc/smtpd.conf:XX: syntax error
/etc/smtpd.conf:XX: syntax error
/etc/smtpd.conf:XX: syntax error
warn: no rules, nothing to do

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