Forum Linux.embarqué stlinux-2.4 problem boot on hdk7105-st40 board

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hello all,
i'm working on Fedora 11 i've downloaded and installed Stlinux-2.4, then i've configured and compiled the kernel for my board which is: the hdk7105 with an st40-CPU, i've got my vmlinux ready for the boot.
Everything went very well until this step, problems start during the boot step.
Actually at first the boot went well but at the end i got the following error :

kernel banner in target memory : 4
Warning: do you want to continue
if the kernels don't much the debugger might crush(y/n)? y
a problem internal to GBD has been detected
further debugging may prove unreliable.
Create a core file of GDB(y/n) ?

any idea what could be the cause of the pblm ??

  • # french forum here, but some clue below

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    i'm not sure the following thing matters in your case,
    and maybe you already read this :

    Note: On the host PC running Linux, make sure that no firewalls are running and that SELinux is disabled.

    and probably your linux distro or kernel might be too recent, as from STLinux FTP, i can see that STLinux 2.4 was released late 2010.

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