Forum Linux.général PAM

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Je m'adresse aux gens qui maitrisent tres bien l'outil de sécurité PAM merci
ma question :
"comment empecher un user de se connecter entre lundi 10h et mardi 18h "
Merci ;)
  • # pam_time

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 3.

    Google m'a amené sur qui dans la liste des modules standard propose :

    pam_time: authorize users based on when and where they log in (like securetty, but) in a way that is dependent on the service they are requesting;

    Ensuite README.pam_time :

    1. Introduction

    It is desirable to restrict access to a system and or specific
    applications at various times of the day and on specific days or over
    various terminal lines.

    The pam_time module is intended to offer a configurable module that
    satisfies this purpose, within the context of Linux-PAM.

    2. the /etc/security/time.conf file

    This file is the configuration script for defining time/port access
    control to the system/applications.

    Its syntax is described in the sample ./time.conf provided in this

    unrecognised rules are ignored (but an error is logged to syslog(3))

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