Journal Valgrind enfin (vraiment) libre

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J'ai vu ça sur mailing Fedora :

From: Build System

New package valgrind
Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs

From: "Bill Rugolsky Jr."

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but what happened
to the alleged patent issues?

Is valgrind really here to stay? Wonderful if true, because
Purify/Quantify for Linux is broken on Fedora glibc (only works
on RHEL3), and is much more cumbersome to use anyway.

From: Bill Nottingham

They have been resolved. I will try and get something more
official-sounding, as otherwise this just comes out as
'Trust me! Really!'.

Très bonne nouvelle !

Site Valgrind :
  • # Brevet à la con

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    Aussi vu sur mailing Fedora mais j'en fait pas un journal car c'est peut-être déjà passé. En fait, j'y fait plus tellement attention tant c'est courant. Mais peut-être que ça intéresse d'autres personnes.

    Brevet :
    Method and system for distributing updates by presenting directory of software available for user installation that is not already installed on user station

    apt/yum/urpmi/redcarpet/etc sont concernés.

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