Around Plateau de Saclay, France, Intel plans to build its new European R&D hub, creating 1,000 new high-tech jobs at Intel, with 450 jobs available by the end of 2024. France will become Intel’s European headquarters for high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) design capabilities. HPC and AI innovation will benefit a broad set of industry sectors, including automotive, agriculture, climate, drug discovery, energy, genomics, life sciences and security – greatly improving the life of every European.
In addition, Intel plans to establish its main European foundry design center in France, offering design services and design collaterals to French, European and worldwide industry partners and customers.
# Liens
Posté par Elfir3 . Évalué à 3. Dernière modification le 16 mars 2022 à 09:51.
L'annonce d'intel :
[^] # Re: Liens
Posté par antistress (site web personnel) . Évalué à 3.
Around Plateau de Saclay, France, Intel plans to build its new European R&D hub, creating 1,000 new high-tech jobs at Intel, with 450 jobs available by the end of 2024. France will become Intel’s European headquarters for high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) design capabilities. HPC and AI innovation will benefit a broad set of industry sectors, including automotive, agriculture, climate, drug discovery, energy, genomics, life sciences and security – greatly improving the life of every European.
In addition, Intel plans to establish its main European foundry design center in France, offering design services and design collaterals to French, European and worldwide industry partners and customers.
[^] # Re: Liens
Posté par Dareg . Évalué à 2.
D'après les images de l'article, on dirait qu'intel va surtout créer des parkings…
# Lien en français
Posté par anubis . Évalué à 1.
aussi sur le salon
[^] # Re: Lien en français
Posté par ǝpɐןƃu∀ nǝıɥʇʇɐW-ǝɹɹǝıԀ (site web personnel) . Évalué à 3.
Mince l’inflation est vraiment galopante. En quelques heures nous voici passé de 33 à 80 milliards !
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